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It begins with you

In this context, we go deeper into the inner work required to heal your specific body, nervous system, and inner child.


Each session is part cognitive teaching and support around your specific challenges and goals, and also part somatic experiencing and/or inner child work to liberate old unprocessed emotions and provide new experiences of safety for the body to internalize.


This work doesn't require remembering and work outside of sessions-- the experiences we have in session are naturally internalized and provide access to new nervous systems states, thoughts and emotions without our effort. 


Here we can also dig deeper into the specifics of your family. Parents that have struggles and confusion about their relationship with their child, their spouse, and their family of origin can receive clarity, guidance, and the deep validation to start to move forward in these dynamics with confidence, compassion, energetic boundaries, and guidance on how to proceed by protecting our own energy and also creating the ideal dynamics for their people to heal and thrive.   


Gone are the days of years of talk therapy with little results. My work is deep, simple and nourishing. Many clients see changes after only one session and often only need four to six sessions — with an occasional maintenance session — to establish long-term change in their body, and then their family dynamic. 

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Coaching Sessions

  • Single Coaching Session

    A great way to enter into the work, have a somatic releasing experience, and investigate what else your body is needing for healing.
  • Four Session Plan

    My most recommended avenue for Reprogramming, this is the most effective way to reach your goals. As one client said, "better parenting is a side effect of this work."
  • Inner Child Reclamation Session

    This is a targeted session to go deep into reconnecting with your Inner Child in my safe, supportive energy. If you feel the pull to do this work, that is your Inner Child nudging you.
" I feel like my whole nervous system works differently now.
This is not your typical therapy or parent coaching. This works and it is amazing how quickly my body has caught on, especially in the heat of the moment!"

Betsy, NC

"I have seen an enormous internal shift in a short amount of time. It’s as if my emotions have been waiting for decades for me to notice and attune to them. I am experiencing greater empathy for both myself and my highly sensitive child."

Leslie, NC

"Working with Ann is the best investment I could have made in myself and my family. My only regret is not beginning this work sooner and thinking that the path to healing was consuming more how-to books or podcasts. I will forever sing the praises of this type of inner-work."

Elizabeth, KY

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